Saturday 28 December 2013

First walk

Today I walked to the first tree in the park across the road bringing back memories of when I was first ill. I am slowly recovering but it is very slow. I am able to do little bits around the house but have to lie down after each activity. Today was my first trip out apart from visits to Joys or the hospital. It is amazing how quickly your muscles forget what to do! 

Christmas was lovely but very hard. We had taken on too much on Christmas Day and I was unable to help at all. I feel very sad to have missed most of it , especially the weeks before for planning and making which I love. Paul has done a fantastic job of managing everything, even buying mistletoe to decorate the house. He knows how much I love Christmas and all the trimmings. It was great to see all the family and we played some great games together - it is lovely now the children can all join in. 
Yesterday most of the cousins got together with partners and went to the cinema together. How lucky are we that they get on SO well. 

Chloe is over half way through her 9 days working. She has had some quieter days but is now in the full throws of hospital business. She is working 3 days of 8-8 shifts, with lots of new admissions after the Christmas holiday. How much we should appreciate our NHS. 

So now it is recovery time for me. We have a quiet week so will try and get out each day for a bit. I am still avoiding major bugs but hopefully would cope with little bugs now! I think it is going to take a while but hopefully not too long. 

I hope you all had a happy and healthy Christmas and managed to avoid too much damage from the wind and rain. I look forward to hearing from you all when you have time. It is so lovely to hear everyone's news. My email is - 

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