Thursday 19 December 2013

Slowly improving

I am happily sitting in my bed looking at the blue sky. My guess is it is cold outside but I am snuggled up warm and cosy. My house is looking lovely and twinkly with our tree decorated , my bathrooms cleaned by my lovely sister and the lounge cleaned by my wonderful husband. Yesterday Ben did some of the cooking for the weekend while I directed from a chair and my wonderful hairdresser came and cut my hair.  I am such a lucky girl to be surrounded by such lovely people. Next week may not be quite as we planned but it will still be wonderful.

I am still exhausted but sleeping lots so hopefully my body is trying to recover. I can do little bits but then have to lie down. I am feeling sick in the mornings but that seems to be the only side effect from the plaquenil. Thankfully I am beginning to eat better and feeling hungry which is good. I was very grateful for my 'chemo tummy' (my spare weight in case I needed chemo again). I have lost just over a stone over the 3 weeks.

I hope you are all ok in the business of this week, and have lovely plans for next week. Treasure your days and your family. We can't ever take things forgranted.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, as always, for your uplifting blog, encouraging us all to look for the blessings in the "unlovely". We love you lots and wish you and Paul and all the family a very happy Christmas together.
