Wednesday 4 December 2013

Visiting A&E

Unfortunately I had a very poorly weekend and by Monday was feeling really ill. Not eating at all for 8 days had really taken its toll and my mouth was so sore and I had constant d and v. I was very sleepy and we decided we needed some help. So at about 7.30pm we set off for A&E. I was very concerned for my kidneys and thankfully they were too! I was seen immediately and given a tiny room of my own. Bloods were taken and a drip set up. We saw a lovely young Jordanian DR who was very efficient and thorough.Its hard to give all my history in a short time when you are feeling very sleepy. After a couple of hours my bloods were back and showed that my kidneys amazingly were stable despite all that was going on but my platelets and liver function tests were not. After a discussion with a haematologist and the medic team it was decided that after having a litre of fluid I could go home as long as I kept my appointment with the rheumatologist at 8am the next morning. So we arrived back at 1am. 

The next morning we were the first patients to see the rheumatologist which was great. He apologised and said that he was very sorry for poisoning me! We laughed but he said - that I had the classic signs of methotreaxate poisoning! And that was why my bloods were all over the place. Thankfully there is an antidote which you take 4 times a day for 2 days and then you recover. I was very glad to hear that! 

So here I am in my cosy front room with buckets and towels, mouthwash and water - waiting for the recovery. I am very sleepy which maybe is a good thing as it gives my body time to rest. I am really looking forward to eating again - 10 days of water is quite disappointing. I am fantasising about all the things I will eat when I am better. Top of the list - pate on french bread!
I will have another blood test tomorrow and then see the Consultant on Friday when I am hoping to be a little better. I have an open invitation for a bed in hospital if I can't cope but I am hoping to avoid that. I love my comfy home and all my things. I also have my wonderful husband and son at my beck and call! I do feel that this is enough - especially for my poor family who really don' t need a really poorly mother/wife again they have played this game. So I intend to be better as quickly as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anne
    Verse 5 of Psalm 23 came to my heart as soon as I read your blog - I pray for healing so that you can enjoy the feasting, in the name of Jesus Amen ! lots of love Celia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    'You treat me to a feast,
    while my enemies watch.
    You honour me as your guest,
    and you fill my cup
    until it overflows.'
    Psalm 23 , Contemporary English Version (CEV)
