Tuesday 7 January 2014

Canula - I don't think so!

Well yesterday didn't go to plan - what made me think it would!!! Warning details!

I managed to starve for 6 hours and wasn't sick and arrived in plenty of time despite the flooding. I booked into reception as asked and waited. We were half an hour early so I didn't expect to be called early but when we still hadn't been called 20 minutes after I was due to arrive Paul suggested we find out what was happening. Ho hum! No one had told the radiographers I was here! Anyway we were then collected and taken to a cold waiting area and I was given 1.5 litres of 'poison' to drink. Obviously it wasn't poison but it was revolting. I managed to drink it and half an hour later was called  into the scanner. I was now very cold and feeling rather sick. The radiographer then chatted through what would happen - scan my tummy, loud banging and a lady telling me to hold my breath etc and then a drug would be given and contrast via a canula. At this point I said - I don't think that will be happening. I have had nothing to drink for 6 hours and I am freezing you will never get a canula in! We did the first part of the scan which as I am slightly claustrophobic was very unpleasant. I couldn't do my usual 'going to another place' trick as I had to concentrate on breathing in, breathing out and holding my breath. It was a very long ten minutes. The radiographer then came to put in the canula and after a long time of looking at my hand - he had a go. He then phoned a consultant who came to try. After looking at my hand in great detail  and discussing my foot - he gave up! So I had the rest of the scan without the drug or contrast needed so the pictures won't be as good or helpful as they should be. It would be helpful if they mentioned on the form that a canula needs to be fitted and then I could have at least kept my hand warm. By the end of the scan I was feeling very sick - yucky. I was really glad when it was over. The results may take a couple of weeks. The radiographer was kind enough to let me have a look at the scan as I has never seen an MRI before. It was amazing. Both Paul and I were struck by how amazing modern technology is - when it works!

So now I am recovering from the side effects of the 1.5 litres of 'poison' which have kept me awake through the night. I feel a bit like I have been attacked. At least I have my warm, dry house to recover in and my wonderful husband at my beck and call.

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