Monday 27 January 2014


So we begin another week. Thankfully I am continuing to improve and managing to do more all the time. On Saturday we went to London to see Giselle at Royal Opera House with Chloe and Ed. I was fine until the journey home when I was absolutely exhausted and it was a real struggle. But at least I coped.  As the lights dimmed in the opera house I was thinking how amazing it is to be able to be there. So much that we take forgranted until we can't do them.  Just walking somewhere is now difficult for me and I have to consider the energy used for any activity and weigh it up against whatever else I would like to do that day, and then chose. I then spent Sunday in bed - a small price to pay for my day in London. 
I now have an appointment to see the rheumatologist on Wednesday to discuss what we do next. Unfortunately the scleroderma is creeping back in my hands and my skin is tightening. Hopefully it will  remain just to my elbows like last time. I am aware that I will have to make some big decisions on Wednesday so do be praying for Paul and I. The dr will probably ask me to take steroids for a couple of weeks to see if it works. Although it will be a much lower dose than last time I am not at all keen to do that. They will also be discussing another drug which would be similar to methotrexate to add to the plaquenil that I am already taking. It is quite scary to be risking massive side effects again. I know we will all be much more aware that I have to take all side effects very seriously. But I still have to go through them to realise I have them! If you see what I mean! So we shall see what is suggested and I will think very carefully about what I decide to do. 
This week I have coffee with friends, hospital appointments,  flowers and bible study.  Plus plenty of resting. It is so lovely to be cooking again and I am loving my new mixer. 
Thankfully Paul is much better and has managed to go back to work today. Thank you for your prayers for him. 

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