Friday 17 January 2014

Thank you ....

Thank you so much for all the messages, phone calls, texts and emails after yesterday's post. There is nothing amazing about me but I am blessed.
Thankfully yesterday was a better day. I decided it was time to venture out into the real world. I haven't been out except to Joy's or the hospital since the beginning of December. It felt quite strange to drive and I popped to tescos to buy a few bits and pieces. I was struck by the noise - it is quite quiet in my cosy house. When I came out of Tescos there was a beautiful rainbow shining above the shop and I was reminded of God's promise to never leave us. 
It felt  good to be doing normal things - how much you miss normal stuff when you can't do it - even shopping! I am having to pace myself but at least I have a bit more choice about what I do. I am still avoiding germs and not hugging in case people have bugs.
This weekend is going to take quite a lot of pacing. Chloe and Ed are coming home and Chloe's friend Hilary who is going to be a bridesmaid. We are then all going to Ed's  mums on Sunday to discuss bridesmaid dresses - lovely.
I hope you all have lovely weekend plans.

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