Sunday 27 April 2014

A Winter's Tale

 Yesterday I managed to go up to London to the Royal Opera House and saw the new ballet A Winter's Tale. It was so, so beautiful. 
I was very thankful for efficient trains and taxis which meant that I was able to go door to door with very little walking.  Thankfully it also has 2 intervals so that I was able to get up and walk a bit to stretch my back. 
We had lunch in the amphitheatre restaurant which was lovely too.(they even provided a cushion for my back)  I have discovered that if I have 2 starters  rather than a main course I can manage so much better. My appetite has been quite affected by the azathioprine.
 The ballet is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. So cleverly produced, wonderful scenery and backdrops, great costumes and the choreography is exquisite. The emotion pours out of the dancers and you are swept along with the story. I was so delighted to be able to go - having had to stay at home last time Paul, Chloe and Ed went.
 Today has been a bed day to recover and although I am sore it is ok. 

This week - preparing for the Hen party at the weekend, coffee with friends and lots of resting! I am slowly coming to terms with the changes in my life. 

 Last week I realised that I needed to stop tutoring. It has taken me a while to come to this decision but I have been letting people down. I will so miss having these smaller people in my life but its not fair to them. Accepting the changes is important because it then becomes easier to be content. This is the journey God intended for me and I need to walk in it. Trusting that he goes ahead to prepare the way.
 Nothing - absolutely nothing is outside of his plans and I can trust him with it all - just enough light for this step.

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