Thursday 17 April 2014

Looking forward to stable.

I have just returned from a  rheumatology appointment which was very encouraging. My consultant wasn't there today but I saw a different one who was very thorough. He felt that my back is unrelated to the mixed connective tissue disease and therefore is just one of those things (Paul is unconvinced ).  If this is true it should hopefully just get better - slowly! He checked the x- Ray results and said that there was nothing to be concerned about. We are now so used to everything being connected it is hard to believe that I can have anything which is just normal!!!!! He gave me lots of wise advice about my kidney function and the levels where we should be concerned which I really like as it gives me a feeling of control. He also has graphs - always good to have a graph! So just one more increase in my azathioprine next week and then we shall leave it for 4 months and hopefully have a period of stability. I will continue to have regular blood tests to keep an eye on my bone marrow, liver function and kidneys. This is really encouraging as it means that all being well I should be stable for the wedding. He did notice that the skin on my face is tightening and my mouth is getting smaller as the skin tightens. Hopefully that will stabilise.  Stable is such a nice word. 
We are looking forward to spending time with family over the weekend and enjoying some sunshine. 
May I wish you all a happy and blessed Easter. 

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