Friday 11 April 2014

Is it a weapon?

I am now the proud owner of a new weapon of mass destruction! The Occupational therapist was very helpful yesterday - it would have been so helpful to see her 5 years ago when I was first diagnosed. I have, through trial and error, worked out many of her suggestions to deal with the difficulties my hands present to every day life. However she did suggest some other 'aids' I could use to make tasks easier. She has also made a splint to be worn at night on my left hand,to begin with, which will hopefully prevent the damage getting any worse. If I get on ok with this she will make another one for my right hand also. Thankfully Paul doesn't sleep with me ( my nights are too disturbed or disturbing) otherwise I think he might be covered in bruises as I hit him with the splint!!!! I also have some exercises to do which should help maintain the function in my hands. My grip is considerably down now and explains why carrying pans etc and chopping vegetables is so tricky. She was keen to stress a little of everything is fine but not to do any repetitive actions where my fingers remain in the same position for a long time. A little knitting is fine but not hours of it! Writing or typing is fine but only a few minutes not pages! She suggested I give up trying to cut up most vegetables and buy ready cut or ask for help! Not something I am good at doing! 

This weekend we will be planning some gardening, maybe doing a bit of gardening (if my back allows) church and Chloe and Ed coming for Sunday lunch. I am hopeful for some sunshine. I hope you have lovely weekend plans which also include a bit of the outdoors. 

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