Thursday, 31 March 2011

First chemo done - tick! I am feeling ok which is a blessing. Long may it continue! It was rather a long time of waiting yesterday as it took the man on his motor cycle from 6am until 3.30 to get from Stockport to Reading- not sure where he stopped on the way!!!!! So I didn't start my chemo until after 4 pm. But it all went smoothly no reactions which was good. Everybody came to have a look at this new drug! Even my consultant. It was good to see him and we chatted about why 6. He is very relaxed about how many doses I have - we have the funding for 6 and if I can have 6 that would be good but only because 6 might be better than 4 - no evidence just a feeling! He is also open to 4 then a gap, a wedding and then 2 more so we will decide nearer the time. Depends on the side effects.

Today dialysis with T and a different nurse needling me as my nurse is on leave. This will tell how my fistula is getting on. The fistula nurse is on standby to come and help if we get stuck. I am really hoping it will go well.

Also today coffee with a friend - I am looking forward to seeing her.


  1. I am soooo glad to read your post this morning. Lots of really positive news. See you later dear friend xxx

  2. Thank you Theresa
    It was so lovely to spend the afternoon with you
    A xxx
