Thursday, 10 March 2011

A grey, windy day today. But Kitty is coming and we are going for a little shopping before dialysis - yippee! I am looking forward to a day together and catching up.

Yesterday was good, coffee with friends and a bit of tidying. I found out yesterday that my job is to be advertised on a temporary contract. I had anticipated this would happen but still felt sad. I so wish I was back at work doing all things normal. Will life ever be normal again? I know God holds the plans he has for me and they aren't always my plans! I am learning slowly. So I give thanks for the plans he has.

I don't know if you are reading this S but you have been phoning but I can't phone back as I don't have your number. Maybe email? Looking forward to being in touch. Thank you


  1. So hard for you about your job Anne. Know how much you want to be back there. Everything I write here seems to trite and wish I could do something to help. Know it doesn't help much, but have quoted you so often. Have a special time today. x x

  2. Yes it's hard to know you have to wait a bit longer before you can think of returning to work. But it's only TEMPORARY that's the key word!!! Yay. Radio news this morning saying that only 20% of special funding for cancer treatment has been taken up, so 80% left for next 3 weeks, then a new budget. Is that good news for your application? xxx

  3. Sylvia - I so appreciate every time you write - it cab feel like I am writing into space! Praying is THE best way to help.
    Theresa - yes this is good news and should be the money that funds my drug - all being well.
    I will miss you on Friday - hope you have a good weekend.
    Love you both xxx
