Wednesday 12 December 2012

Very early start this morning - so glad for my lovely husband who scrapped the car. I had an early appointment for an echo of my heart. The girl who did it was very good and explained what she was doing and a little of what she was seeing. I will have to wait for the results from the rheumatologist,  hopefully. It looks like my heart has settled down a bit since I have finished dialysis. The muscles are still enlarged around my heart as a result of the high blood pressure but the actual chambers of my heart are at the top end of normal,. The bit I don't know about is my valves which they were looking at specifically because of the scleroderma - we shall see. 

Our Christmas cards have moved from my bedroom where they were written to the front door but they still haven't reached the post box - maybe tomorrow! At least they now have stamps. 

The next 2 days are dedicated to church flowers - tomorrow we buy them and clear the old ones from the church and Friday we spend the day arranging. Photos hopefully at the weekend. 

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