Tuesday 1 October 2013

Breast Cancer Research

The newspapers are frequently running news stories based on breast cancer. Some are scare stories and some are good news stories. It is hard to get away from. I am obviously drawn to them and it is hard not to let your emotions be swayed by what you read. Today there are 2 stories running.

  1. No woman need die from breast cancer by 2050. Experts predict development in treatments and changes to diet will mean 95% are cured. (Daily Mail)
These are big claims for a disease more and more we are now being told not to see as curable but one that is treatable.

  1. Breast Cancer ‘research gap’ warning (BBC)
This research is saying that there are 10 basic gaps in our knowledge of breast cancer and until these gaps are ‘plugged’ and particularly the knowledge of how cancer spreads then there will be little progress. In this research they mention 1.2 million women living with breast cancer by 2030 unless things change.

It is hard not to be confused! Thankfully we are living in a time of change and of research. But interestingly money given to breast cancer charities is down. Maybe because people are reading the more positive stories and believe it is now a disease that can be cured and doesn’t need the funding. Tell that to the 11,000 women who will lose their lives to breast cancer this year and the 50,000 who will be diagnosed and will have to learn to live with the disease.  There is still much to be done. Please don't stop giving or raising money.

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