Thursday 10 October 2013

Choosing joy!

Paul was reminding me yesterday - that joy is a choice. I can choose to be miserable and focus on all the things which are wrong or I can focus on my many blessings. How easy it is to be drawn into moaning and groaning especially when life is hard or when you feel unwell. But joy is a choice. 

So today I choose to find joy in.....
  • the beautiful sunshine 
  • the golden leaves
  • my family
  • my pussy cat
  • my warm home
  • my wonderful friends
  • pilates
  • being loved by the creator of the world
  • strictly
  • twinkly lights
  • frothy coffee
  • peace that passes all understanding 
  • Soggy the cat (new books Paul has bought me based in St Ives) 
  • soft hand cream
  • bulb planting for winter colour 
  • Downton
  • The Great British Bake Off 
  • Books 
  • my patchwork quilt Chloe made me 
  • photos of holidays 
  • House 
So many wonderful things. When you focus on joy even when life is hard everything feels better. I wonder what your lists would look like? Do let me know. 

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