Thursday 17 October 2013

You raise me up.

Maybe this is more it? 

Blake, Camillia & Choir sing You Raise Me Up 15th Oct ... - YouTube

 This is a choir  who have all been touched by breast cancer - many themselves breast cancer sufferers joined by Camilla (whose mum has breast cancer) and Blake. The song itself resonates with me - I couldn't have travelled this journey without the strong support of family and friends and I am still aware my life is so much more because I am surrounded by wonderful people. It is interesting to note too that there has been research done which shows that singing is very good for recovery - opening up the lungs etc..... Shame it is so difficult for me.

My first batch of blood tests are back and show stable kidneys - which is great after 5 months of no blood tests. Good too that my phosphates and potassium are stable despite a nearly normal diet.

Busy few days ahead - pilates today, book-club this evening, bible-study tomorrow and women's conference in London on Saturday. Rest day on Sunday and then  a week of wedding prep with my girlie - yippee!

Thank you T for sharing.

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