Saturday 12 October 2013

Pink October

October is breast cancer awareness month and many, many things turn pink in October. Coffee mornings are held where everyone wears pink, people walk wearing pink clothing and many people buy pink items. Much money is raised and because of that hopefully many, many women in the future will not die from this horrible disease and hopefully treatments will become more bearable. However since having breast cancer I am much more aware of a band of breast cancer sufferers who find the ‘pink’ of breast cancer awareness month too hard to take. Breast cancer is ‘rubbish’ there is nothing pick or fluffy about it. It transforms lives and robs many women of their femininity and for some it takes away their future. For those facing the pain, suffering and fear of secondaries there is nothing ‘pink’ about it. Please don’t misunderstand me I am NOT saying that these events shouldn’t take place or that vital money should not be raised just understand that for some women the ‘pinkness’ of it all is too much to cope with. If you do ‘go pink’ in October make sure that the money you raise goes to a reputable research charity. And don’t expect that all breast cancer sufferers/ survivors will want to join in your pink party! Just for your information I am happy to eat pink cakes and wear pink for coffee mornings!

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