Tuesday 17 December 2013

A new plan

I have been today to see the rheumatology consultant and I have a new plan. He thinks it will take about 4-6 weeks to recover from this. I have started the new drug called plaquenil which may have some effect but he feels will not be enough to control the joint problems I have. So in a month I will go back to see him and will have 2 weeks of very low dose steroids that will show if my disease will respond to drugs ie it should immediately improve with the steroids. If that happens then I will start a new drug which is like methotrexate called azathioprine and take that alongside the plaquenil. We will start on the lowest dose possible and I will be monitored very carefully for side effects. 
He apologised again for poisoning me and said that he thinks the combination of the poisoning and the bug caused the bone marrow suppression ( very very low white cells, red cells, and platelets) and that is what caused the bleeding. All I have to do now is recover !!!! 

Poor Paul is trying to hold together a very busy job and a household and picking up all my plans for Christmas. Thankfully our children are all grown up and can cope with things being done differently. I shall  be directing from my chair carefully placed close to the kitchen. Next week looks like this for us.

Saturday 21st - 1st Christmas Eve with Chloe and Ed, lots of family coming for crafts and strictly party
Sunday 22nd - first Christmas Day with Chloe, Ed, Josh, Debs, Ben, Anna, Paul and I 
Monday 23rd - quiet day 
Tuesday 24th - 2nd Christmas Eve  - afternoon tea with Joy and Matt 
Wednesday 25 th my birthday! And  2nd Christmas Day with Joy, Matt, Adam, Holly, Natalia, Kit, Shaun, Josh, Debs, Ben, Paul and I. 
Thursday 26th - lunch at Joy and Matts
Friday 27th - lunch with Joy, Matt, mark, Nell, Lila, Adam, Talia,Ben 
Saturday 28th - rest day! 

Lots of lovely family togetherness with plenty of sitting from me!!! I love Christmas


  1. Hi Anne,

    Your positivity and peace in the face of what must be a quite tough times never ceases to inspire me. Wishing you and your family a lovely Christmas full of joy xx

  2. Thank you Emma - it has been tough but I am so so glad to be home. Also so glad that I have wonderful Drs caring for me.
    Happy Christmas to you and your lovely bambinos
    Anne xxx
