Tuesday 1 July 2014

Wedding part 2

Saturday morning 

I woke at 4 and dozed on and off until Chloe bounced into my bed at 6.20. She was excited but calm and so looking forward to the day. Paul bought us coffee and we sat and chatted. A perfect way to start a perfect day. My goodest child(her name for herself!) was getting married and would soon become Mrs Unwin (often to be called Dr Unwin along with half of Ed's family). Her chosen breakfast - croissants and little pastries was soon prepared and eaten by Paul, Kitty, Hilary, Ben, Chloe and I. Paul then left for the church to meet Roy also known as 'The Pigman' who planned to arrive at the marquee at 6am to start cooking the hog-roast. This was the morning that I had looked forward to - the laughter of the bridesmaids all together, the smell of hairspray and the chaos of so many people and the excitement as we got ready. I had gone to this place during hard blood tests, lonely nights in hospital and during MRI scans. And here it was at last. I took a deep breath as the door bell began to ring. Anna ( Ben's girlfriend arrived having flown back from Cyprus) and the 2 hairdressers - Sam and Jackie, with all their bits and pieces. Showers and baths were taken and the day began in earnest. Chloe had her hair done - lots of curls and clever back combing and the other hairdresser did mine. Debs arrived along with Hannah - the  make-up lady with her magic bag of tricks. Emma and Laura also arrived carrying their camera bags and plans for sun and rain! Matt arrived having collected our lunch from M&S and Ben struggled to find room in the fridge. Soon Paul was returning with Lily and Jenny (Ed's 2 sisters and 2 of the bridesmaids) and their was lots of laughing and excitement. They had been setting up the ice-cream table in the marquee and could report that everything was looking lovely. Chloe's hair was finished and her make-up applied and she looked really beautiful. Joy and Talia arrived at 11 and the bridesmaids were complete. We had lunch - which was extremely yummy and bubbly - also yummy! Clare - Ed's mum arrived and our party was all here! 

Then the dressing began - Chloe's dress has a very clever lacing system, which Talia had learnt how to do. So Talia, Chloe and Hilary (chief bridesmaid) retreated to the front room to begin that.(The bridal shop had told us to leave at least an hour to do this).  Everyone else spread themselves around the house and put on dresses and make up. I had the joy of having my 2 other girlies Debs and Anna helping me get dressed  and discussing make-up. Talia did a wonderful job, patiently lacing Chloe into her dress with no stressing.  Once started they rejoined the others and finished it off. Clare then shortened the ties and sewed them in neatly, (great to have a seamstress at hand).

We were all ready with a little time to spare, so as it was still dry outside, Emma took some photos of Chloe and the bridesmaids in the garden. Laura (the other photographer) had left to take photos of Ed arriving with his boys at the church. Ed and the best-man drove to the church in Ed's, grandfathers Morgan (very exciting for car lovers!) At this point Joy and Kit left to go to the church and we were left with bridesmaids, an excited but calm bride and 2 mums and Paul. Richard (Ed's step-dad) arrived with a lovely big car for bridesmaids. By this time the sky was looking very overcast - we checked that we had umbrellas. Jo arrived with her beautiful ribboned car to take Chloe and all was ready. 

Bridesmaids left with Richard and after one last kiss for my girlie, Anna and I left with Clare. Taking  a little detour - because I forgot to tell Clare where to go,  we arrived at the church. As we arrived the heavens opened and it poured.  Thankfully our church has a little porch where the bridesmaids could wait -  although they must have been quite chilly. Clare parked her car as Jo arrived bringing Chloe. She drove right up to the church door and they waited hoping for a gap in the rain - but the weather had decided to do its own thing! Chloe then had to get out of the car in the pouring rain - with large puddles all around. It was a fun few minutes getting Chloe, her dress and her veil out of the car without all ending up in a puddle! Jo had bought a rug to cover the gap between the car and the porch which helped greatly. Soon she was out, her veil re-attached and her train arranged beautifully. We were ready....... but no photographer. 

Her mum, who was in the church, came rushing out saying she had had a phone call from Emma to say that she was lost on her way to the church! Phone calls and her mum running to the end of the lane - in her beautiful dress and heels and in the pouring rain, ensued. Time ticked by - I was very aware of Ed sitting in the church wondering what was happening. In the end we decided to wait for Emma and tell Ed. I took what felt like a very long walk down the aisle, with everyone looking at me, to tell Ed about Emma - he was relieved as he knew Chloe was here and was wondering what was happening. 15 minutes later we were ready and Julian (our Vicar) asked the congregation to stand.

To be continued...........

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