Thursday 3 July 2014

wedding part 4 - the reception

With the rain pouring down we quickly put up umbrellas and made a dash for the marquee where the catering staff were waiting with drinks and canapés. We were so pleased we had asked Roy - from Barkham Manor Farm - to provide a gazebo, and the marquee company to supply an extra section to the marquee.This meant there was plenty of room to mingle without having to sit at the tables. Earlier, Laura from Crowthorne Cakes had delivered the wedding cake. This was our surprise for Ed. Chloe and I had ordered the cake one day when Ed wasn't around. Chloe told him that it was a beautiful white cake with lilac flowers (even managing to show him pictures of different cakes each time he asked) But it was actually a 'Tour de France' cake. 3 tiers, each one representing a different jersey - polka dot for the king of the mountains, yellow for the leader of the Tour and the bottom one the rainbow stripes of the world champion.  A wonderful lady in Canada made a tandem cake topper with Chloe and Ed's names and the date which sat on the polka dot cake. Ed was very pleased with it - his words 'it is epic! Their tandem was decorated and ready for them to leave on at the end of the evening. 
There was lots of chatting and catching up, hugging and laughing amongst the guests. We managed to get a few photos outside in between showers and then had family photos in the church. I can't wait to see the 'proper' photos. 

Once photos had been done we started our meal. Roy and his team did a fantastic job with the food, which was plentiful and very yummy. We had a hog roast with potatoes and salads. Catering for 200 is a mammoth task and especially when many are big rugby boys! Much to the surprise of the caterers I think we finished the whole hog! The drink was flowing and a member of staff never far if you needed anything. Chloe and Ed took the opportunity to go around and chat with people as they waited for their food. Once everyone had finished (and after seconds) we started the speeches. I wish I could remember every single word that was said because each one was very cleverly put together. Paul, Christophe and Ed each managed to include lots of funny memories but also poignant moments. I doubt there were many dry eyes in the marquee after Ed had finished his - using riders on a tandem to describe how he intended to keep his stoker (the rider at the back of a tandem) happy. 

We then moved onto pudding - yummy lemon or chocolate tarts. All this time there were many children in the marquee who all behaved so, so well. We had made them packs to help keep them occupied and they were so well behaved ,(last minute loombands and cameras with a tick list were great hits) It was good that by this time the sun had come out and they were able to get outside for a bit onto the field. I remembered we still had some paper aeroplanes which kept them occupied until the dancing started.

The band had arrived at some point and had quietly set up. They are called 'The Prototypes' and are brilliant. Chloe and Ed cut the cake and then the band began the first dance. Chloe and Ed danced to Ellie Goulding's How long will I love you? which was very beautiful. I know that Chloe had been concerned that no-one would dance - priming the ushers and bridesmaids to join in but at soon as the band asked people to dance the floor was full - everyone was dancing. At this point I looked around the marquee marvelling that we had managed to organise this!

After the first set of dancing their was more food! Sandwiches and ice -cream. Lily had organised an ice cream table with many different toppings and we had borrowed a large ice-cream machine. The children loved this - and many adults too! We also had cake - again plenty of cake! 

At this point I went home. I was delighted to have managed so long of the day but knew that I needed to be at home now. Thankfully Matt had his car and was able to take me. I managed not to be sick until arriving home - thank goodness. I was sad not to have stayed to see Chloe and Ed leave but so, so grateful to have been there for so long. I only missed the last hour and half. 

So my writing now is from other peoples descriptions! The second set from the band was as successful as the first - lots and lots of people dancing - including Paul who never dances! Ed has many, many cousins and they have a tradition at parties to crowd surf. Just as I was leaving they had found a large ladder and were throwing themselves off it into the crowd below. The musicians came into the crowd dancing with their instruments and generally having a great time. Chloe and Ed got changed into their going away outfits (bought because Chloe decided that riding a tandem in her wedding dress was too tricky). The lane from the church had been lit with lanterns and sparkling lights. They rode their tandem off into the night, the last views were of Chloe waving while Ed peddled hard! - a very happy stoker!

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