Friday 4 July 2014

Wedding post 5

This will be my last wedding post for now! I have so enjoyed writing down my thoughts about the day. Thank you for allowing me this indulgence. 

Having returned home at 9.45 and after a few hours of being sick and sleeping I had a text from Paul to say that he was going to have to walk home from the marquee., ( the taxis were all busy and would be at least an hour before they could collect him)He had stayed until everyone had gone, to lock the hall and leave everything safely until the morning clear up. I couldn't leave him to walk home at 1 am knowing we had to be back at 8 am to get the hall cleared for church to use it. So taking my bucket I drove to the church to collect him. It was a magical evening, warm and so beautiful. The lights were still twinkling in the lane and there is something rather lovely about a marquee after the parties over. Paul was very happy that everything had gone so well. It was lovely to chat about the day on the way back as I hadn't been able to do that when I had got home. Unfortunately I then spent the rest of the night being sick and so was unable to go to the field to help clearing up. But Paul was up and off at 6.45 to start the mammoth task of clearing up. I think he had a few minutes of worry as the time got nearer to 9 and he was still the only one there. But at 9 - the A team arrived and within half an hour they had cleared the hall leaving it ready for the Sunday Club. Another couple of hours and the marquee was cleared and car loads of stuff delivered to our house! It has taken me most of the week to empty all the bags and store the amazingly large pile of presents ready for Ed and Chloe to open when they return here. I have loved reflecting on the day with Paul and with Joy and Kit. I have stored the forever memories in my heart to be returned to (as I do with Josh and Debs wedding memories) when ever life is tough, and of course at many other times too! We are really looking forward to seeing Chloe and Ed again soon and talking over the day with them. It seems really strange not to have chatted to them about the day. I am also looking forward to hearing about Chloe's first sailing holiday. I am sure she will have loved every moment of it. They return on Sunday and then plan to see the Tour de France arriving in London - what a perfect way to end their honeymoon. 

Soon we are off on holiday to St Ives which we are really looking forward to. Anna and Ben are coming with us - so we will love sharing this special place with them. I am hoping for enough sunshine for a little swim in the sea - maybe that is a hope too far this early in the season but certainly a paddle. We have a little house overlooking the bay again so are looking forward to seeing Cyril the seal. I have many books on my kindle and my sewing to do, while the others are off exploring. 

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