Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Good evening here is my dialysis update! I had a much better time. As soon as my blood pressure started to go down I asked to have my head lower and my blood pressure then stabilised. This made the whole session much more pleasant and will mean I will go with more confidence next time.

I had a friend come with me to dialysis today to give Paul a break. We chatted away for the whole of the 4 hours as only women can!! Thank you Claire for your company.

We saw the oncology consultant who is still unsure of the best thing to do next. He is very reluctant for me to continue with chemo in case it caused the kidney failure. He is therefore suggesting that as the tumour is hormone receptive the treatment could be either a drug called tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitor. This could cause the tumour to shrink in the same way as chemo. He has gone away to discuss with the other consultants and will come back with a plan next Tuesday. I am glad I am not the person having to make this decision. I am also so glad that God knows the number of my days and he has a plan all of his own. Please pray that the Drs make this decision with wisdom and that it is the right decision for me. Thank you,


  1. Good news about your blood pressure Anne. Praying for wisdom and insight for the doctors and peace for you. Love Sylvia x

  2. It is a truth to hold onto Anne, that God has numbered our days and until the day He has chosen to bring you to glory, there is nothing that man can do to precipitate that event. Easy to say: hard to practise but it does mean that we can trust God in the most difficult of circumstances.

    On a lighter note, glad to hear that today was more manageable. Praying for godly wisdom and discernment between your medical team and for faith and trust in ever increasing measure for you.

    Love you lots, Fiona
