Saturday 19 January 2013

Cosy and warm

This is where I spent yesterday, occasionally with Papageno although he is not at all keen on the fire. It was cosy and warm and the perfect place to be writing my family history. I am now back to the 1830s fairly reliably on both sides of my family and I'm looking for the details which make our story come alive. It is amazing what you can find out from forms! I don't want it to be just a list of names and dates, which, however interesting in themselves, really do need padding out to make a better story. 

I was pleased to be in touch with all my children last night (none of whom are at home this weekend) to know that they were all tucked up in homes. It seems very strange not to have anyone building snowmen in our garden - probably the first time it hasn't happened for 25 years.

This weekend we shall mostly stay put with small ventures out for essentials on Paul's part! I had thought that a snowy walk would be a good idea but probably not if it continues to snow. At least I am getting my writing done.

I hope you are all able to stay cosy at home and enjoy looking at the snow.

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