Wednesday 9 January 2013

If people could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us!

If a man is fortunate he will, before he dies, gather up as much as he can of what he knows about his world, and tell it to his children.
                Will Durant, a modern American thinker.

If people could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us!
                Samuel Coleridge Taylor (1772–1834), a British poet.

I sat with Ben yesterday surrounded by bags of photos, certificates, newspaper cuttings etc.. and chatted about our family. He was fascinated to see newspaper cuttings about relatives of ours. But we both had so many questions that I wished we could ask them. I would love to know about their lives - I have little bits of information but how wonderful it would be to sit down with my great grandfather and ask him what it was like to perform in front of Queen Victoria or travel to Australia and South Africa, or direct some of the first talking films. I would love to ask Peter Cannon (Bijou) how he came to marry Florrie and not Blanche(Bella) who he worked with. Or to ask Blanche about how Emily (her mum died) and what it felt like when her dad married Eliza. How I would love to sit in a room with my great uncle Roy Kellino and ask how he felt when James Mason (the actor) stole his wife. Or how he could have gone on to live with them. So many questions! 

What it does highlight is that you should ask questions of your family while they are alive. So many questions I wished I had asked my parents when they were here. I am very sad I didn't. My dad was an a only child and so I have no one to ask about his family - particularly his fathers side of the family. It makes me realise how important it is for me to write down what I know to pass on to my children. I wonder what lessons my family would want me to pass on?   

So today - more sorting of the stuff I have found in readiness of writing my family history. It may also be the day I tackle my girlies room! As ever she has left some piles of stuff to be sorted! I am also still wading my way through Christmas washing - that seems never ending. 

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