Tuesday 1 January 2013

Looking Forward

I have so much to look forward to and I am so thankful that I have the energy to be involved in so many different things. My life is full of lovely things, with a few not so lovely ones thrown in! (Ironing, tidying, washing,cleaning the oven and windows and hospital visits not included in the looking forward)

v     Windsor Castle Visit
v     Cinema to see – Les Mis and The Hobbit
v     Ballets – Onegin, Mixed Programme, Alice in Wonderland
v     Coffee with many friends
v     Lunch with other friends
v     Book Club meetings
v     Life with my church family
v     Another visit to Slimbridge in the Spring
v     Tutoring my little fellows
v     Ben’s 18th birthday
v     Continuing my opera journey with La Boheme
v     Afternoon tea in London
v     Reading new books
v     Patchwork meetings
v     Sharing life with my Bible Study ladies
v     Cameo Meetings
v     Developing Book Stall
v     My girlie finding out where she will be working for the next 2 years
v     A night in Stratford and As You like it  at Theatre
v     Lovely meal in Rooftop restaurant
v     Family get togethers
v     Chelsea Flower show with Paul and Kitty
Cathedral visits 
v     Chloe becoming Dr White
v     My boy deciding what he will do with his future
v     Visits to Craft shows
v     Plenty of knitting, stitching, crafting and writing. 

I am looking forward to so many of you being part of my life this year. Hopefully there will be opportunities for me to spend time with lots of you. I am hoping to meet up with some of my school friends and of course my radiography friends. 

Thank you to all of you who have been part of my 2012 - in so many different ways. 

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