Monday 21 January 2013

Enough snow!

Ok enough snow now! It is very pretty and I have enjoyed watching it fall but now it starts to impact daily living and it can go. I don't drive in snow and when it is icy I don't walk in the snow either. I have enough difficuties walking normally without snow to help. Thankfully Mr Ocado does drive in snow and bought our shopping this morning so we can eat. 

My family tree is coming on nicely - it has over 280 people in it. Wow! That is 280 people related to me. 280 stories - not that i intend to tell them all! 

So this week some tidying,  lots of washing (I am still trying to get on top of the washing since Christmas), some tutoring, some book sorting for the bookstall, some planning of meals for a busy weekend, some cooking for busy weekend, maybe some coffee drinking with friends, some family history course(thankfully I can walk to it if necessary), some patchwork with friends, some biblestudy, some flowers arranging, some cinema going, some lunch with friends, some family visiting, some ironing, and some family history writing. I had better get started!

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