Thursday 31 January 2013

Winter Blues

Another blue sky day - lovely. But I am struggling with tiredness and not being quite right. So blood tests today to see what is going on. It maybe that reducing my epo hasn't worked and my hb is low or it maybe something else or it maybe just winter tiredness. Is that a disease? If it isn't I declare it to be! Dark mornings, dark nights, cold, wet all leads to winter tiredness! 

Still plenty of joy to be found - 
  • new friends at family history course
  • new lives to imagine on family tree
  • bible promises forever true
  • warm blankets
  • texts from friends
  • holiday planning
  • shoots appearing 
  • snowdrops with their shy faces
  • a bag of knitting wool waiting to be used 
  • new fingerless gloves knitted by a friend 
  • phone calls with new family members
  • books to review and share 
So what are you thankful for today despite the winter blues?

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