Friday 4 January 2013

Keeping in touch

It's Friday and I'm not sure where that week went. First week of the year and it has disappeared in a flash. Thank you for your comments this week it is great to hear from you otherwise it feels a bit like I am writing to no-one even though I know that I have about 100 views every day. You don't have to comment on here but can email me at . I love to know about your lives too. It has been really good to be in touch with old friends. I hope to be able to catch up with lots of people this year now that I have a bit more energy. It is sad when we loose touch with people who have been so very much part of our lives. I was given wise advice a while ago from a special friend to 'love hard and hold lightly' when I was facing more friends moving out of my life. I intend to try and love hard this year and be in touch and hopefully see many of you . I love travelling on trains so can meet up with those of you who are further away at half way points - possibly not in the winter though!!! 

Today - flower arranging, lunch with a friend and time with Chloe. Lovely! 

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