Monday 28 January 2013

Pink skies and busy weekends

From my window I can see a gently appearing pink sky. Maybe a bit more sun for today - hurrah. I can also hear a few birds quietly singing. I am very glad to see then end of the snow. I have started the day with Chloe bringing her cup of tea into bed with me and chatting - what a lovely way to start a day and a new week. She is now on her journey to Southampton to begin her week on AMU (acute medical unit) 

We have had a wonderful busy and packed weekend, lovely friends for the day, Josh for a short time, Chloe and Ed for most of the weekend, Les Mis and a box of tissues, nice meals. Perfect! 

This week brings - tutoring, family history course, meetings, flowers, bible study, The Hobbit, Book Club, garden planning, cooking, a happy week ahead. 

My family tree is coming on nicely - I have now gone back to my great great grandparents reliably(I think) on all 8 sides which takes me to about 1840. I have begun writing our story at a basic level - facts and figures and now need to add in all the bits and pieces which will make it come to life. How I wish I could go and chat to each of my great great grand parents and ask them what life was like. How amazing would that be! How different their lives would have been to ours.

I am so thankful for my comfortable life with electricity, washing machine, dishwasher, hoover, gas, lighting, cameras, televisions, photographs, computers, telephones, street lighting, toasters, x-rays, films, antibiotics etc......  so much we take forgranted every day of our lives that make our lives so easy. I wonder what you are thankful for today?

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