Wednesday 16 January 2013


Today I am thankful for 
  • central heating
  • good food
  • no dialysis
  • my family 
  • contact with family I didn't know
  • God's word - sharper than a two edged sword 
  • my laptop
  • jamas
  • answered prayer 
  • my friends
  • my kidneys working at 18%
  • my patchwork quilt
  • my beautiful new button clock
  • my phone
  • Being cancer free as far as I know 
  • Papageno 
  • my husband who loves me
  • my family tree - fitting together 
  • candles and twinkly lights
 I have just looked back over my posts for the last few weeks and realised that I have hardly mentioned being ill. Just a few comments but mostly they are full of other things. Looking back a year my posts were full of hospitals and illness. I was still going for regular check ups and my arm was causing lots of problems. I wrote

'What will you do now with the gift of your left life? '
line from Carol Ann Duffy's poetry. I think I am getting it - I am using my 'left life' and trying to make each day count, trying to live it to the full, taking every opportunity and loving it. I still have to remember to take time out to stop and rest otherwise my body tells me I have done too much, but I can push myself a bit more now and that is ok. I am more settled in my new normal and feel like I fit. Life is good and I am thankful.

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